February 17: Actualize your Greatest Potential

How can we allow magic in to our lives?

I’m sitting here with a new friend who is dedicating his life to service.  He currently makes beautiful jewelry and volunteers at an alternative school in Bali.  (Check out his website.) A brief conversation made quick headway and I began to learn about his philosophy on life.

His hope is to be able to surround himself with people who are willing to create heaven on earth and transform the paradigm of creating their own hell (as well as hell for others).  This message is simply too important not to pass on and is the lesson I hope to embody permanently after my journey through Bali .

The mission is to experience the full potential of what life can be, and honor it for its exceptional display of constant magic.  To actualize this experience we will need a conscious choice about who we want to be. We are not victims of our own reality. Rather, we are creators of Self and our own Reality.

It is a personal decision to remain ignorant of this Truth, or alternatively to accept the responsibility and reward of living It.  To recognize the power of making decisions based on love and not based on fear we become liberated and reap the reward of this liberation.

Love is a natural resource that can be enjoyed in infinite ways and can never be consumed.

Asana Practice: Facilitate the flow of energy in its natural way.  Allow freedom in your practice and be guided by love.

What actions serve your greatest potential? Are you called to roll around, do you find true peace in a handstand? Should you practice on a mountain top, or lay in Savasana for an extra ten minutes?

Challenge yourself to live your greatest potential.  If you find yourself a victim to the harshness of the world around, or you are creating dis-ease for someone else, vow to immediately alter your experience and that of those around you by choosing love instead.

If you can see the truth in this message and not dismiss it as silly yoga-speak, you have the opportunity to transform your life.  Isn’t this why we all do yoga anyway?

Lesson Learned: You are your own creator, choose a destiny full of love and support and vow to remove the needless suffering from your life and from the life of those around you.

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