March 2: Don’t over-activate your hands

Its all about finding balance.

Asana Practice: In downward dog it is important to activate the hands, only don’t over-stretch them.  The fingers should be separated but there shouldn’t be strain in the hands.

A few things to ask yourself about your hands in downward dog:

1. Are your left and right equal distant from the front of your mat?

2. Are your hands turned slightly out equally?

3. Are you pressing through the ball of the pointer finger?

4. Are your fingers spread?

5. Are you able to ground through the pads of your fingers?

Lesson Learned: In life as in yoga find balance.  The same principles apply to the macro and the micro.  When focusing on your hands in downward dog keep the fingers spread, but don’t overextend them.  You don’t want to create strain, only activation.

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