March 13: The Power of Sangha, Finding Community in Trying Times

“The world is shaking, what are you waiting for….wake up,” Prem said starting out our class.

Instead of starting the class with the traditional invocation and moving directly in to asana practice, my teacher Prem asked us to start class in meditation.  After a few moments he called to us from his heart, “wake up.”

Prem was in Sri Lanka during the last tsunami and the events in Japan hit very close to home for him. He put a ton of time and energy in to building the country back up after it was ripped apart. He spoke passionately about the need for us to wake up now.  Yoga isn’t about putting our bodies in unusual shapes, its about finding fierce focus and presence in the moment.  Its about waking up (or enlightenment).

The world is undergoing huge change, natural disasters are striking at increasing rates and for the first time in history, we KNOW what is going on all around the world instantaneously. Sages from many different traditions and from many different times speak about 2012 and the consciousness shift.  Prem emphasized that 2012, is really about NOW. The changes are already happening, its time to wake up now.  After all, what are we waiting for. The world is demanding us to pay attention and to no longer wait for the “future” to do something.  We only have now. We owe it to ourselves and everyone else around us to be completely present and full of love with each other in every moment.

The clarity of message in Prem’s words had many of us in tears and he called for us all to join in the center of the room in a hug.  With tears in his eyes, he emphasized how important community is. Yoga is a personal practice, but we come together in order to support each other on the path. Ultimately no one but yourself can surrender to the moment, no one but you can overcome fear to be fiercely present.  Nonetheless, having someone working hard next to you and having some one to share your trials and tribulations with can make the journey more rewarding and facilitate growth on the path.

The community here in Bali is beautiful.  Nearly all actions taken during the day are intended to purify and enlighten.  Raw food, meditation, yoga, healing arts, tantra, and speaking circles, are among the topics being shared on a regular basis. What a blessing!

I say this to inspire you.  In times like this its important to pull your community (your family) closer to your heart.  Don’t waste time, share your deepest truth with those that are around you.  Look each other in the eye, smile.  If insecurity or fear are keeping you away from sharing, take immediately action to remove all obstacles. Show people the light in your heart and embody the god and goddesses in all of you.  Don’t be afraid that the world cannot handle your light. The world cannot survive without it.

Lesson Learned: It’s time to support each other in the embodiment of love and light.  Bring your community close to your heart and remove any obstacles that prevent you from showing up for them completely.

The world is shaking, wake up.



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1 Response to March 13: The Power of Sangha, Finding Community in Trying Times

  1. David says:

    Aho, Sister! A Righteous and beautiful call!

    “Any man who doesn’t cry scares me a little bit” -H. Norman Schwarzkopf

    May the Force be with you,
    An Attitude of Gratitude brings the spirits out to play,

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