February 22: Don’t Resist the Bliss

I feel blessed when a magical energy takes over my body with a purpose all of its own.

Part of yoga is having an awareness around that which is.  When a moment like this arises, seize it, surrender to the rising tide and honor it by following it through to its close.

Asana Practice: The house was empty this morning and I had good music playing in the background.  I found a lovely spot on the top porch to practice. I cleared the chi by removing any empty cups or books, and straightened the chairs and table.

As I stepped on to my mat, a current took me over.  At first I started with my traditional warm up, only to realize my body wanted me to fly.

One of my favorite yoga poses is the “swan dive” transition from standing pose to standing forward fold.  I love experiencing grace as you consciously surrender.

My entire practice mimicked this transition.  There was effortless fluidity, a dance. I felt like a wave carried me from one pose to another. As I moved through several modified sun salutations I continued to focus on finding grace even in powerful poses.

As my rhythm slowed, I moved towards a series of controlled standing poses.  Specifically I worked on Warrior I and revolved triangle.  These are my two most challenging standing poses, and my hope was to bring the fluidity of the moment in to these poses.  I believe I succeeded.

From the place of grace, the human body is far more subtle and strong. Whenever you feel the body tensing, ask yourself how can you expand and release in the place of tension.  You will find even the intention to release has an effect on the physical form.  Sometimes “trying” can get in the way of being or doing.

Lesson Learned: The next time you find yourself in the natural flow, see if you can carry that easefulness and guidance in to every area of your practice. Regardless of whether you are called to move quickly or slowly, see if you can take the lesson of the flow in to every area of your practice.  This will allow you to bring a fresh perspective and new awareness to otherwise stagnant parts of your practice.



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